USA Health to host free disability resource fair on Tuesday, Feb. 25
“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel.
USA Health is offering education and support to families of children with special needs on Tuesday, Feb. 25, during a Disability and Child Safety Resource Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Strada Patient Care Center in the first-floor lobby.
“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel, director of the University of South Alabama Regional Autism Network (USARAN). “The resource fair will give families and professionals an opportunity to stop by and speak face to face with representatives from agencies and organizations who can help to guide them to the resources they need most.”
Representatives from the Mobile County Communications District/Smart 9-1-1, Mobile County Health Department, Mobile Fire Rescue Department, Mobile Police Department, Project Lifesaver-Mobile County Sheriff’s Office, Safe Kids of South Alabama, Safe Sleep-Alabama Department of Public Health, and USA Regional Autism Network will be available to provide information and answer questions.
Those who attend can learn more about the following resources:
- Informing first responders for medical, health and developmental needs;
- Child and maternal health;
- Fire safety for children;
- Community engagement with local law enforcement;
- Safety resources for individuals with autism or other disabilities who wander or elope from safety;
- Car seat checks and car seat safety;
- Safe Sleep resources for infants;
- And resources and information related to autism, such as autism ID cards.
The USA Health Department of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics and USARAN host these fairs regularly to educate families about resources available to support their needs.
To learn more, contact USARAN at 251-410-4533.