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About USA Health Providence Bariatrics

Exceptional Care Backed by Academic Medicine

As part of USA Health, the only academic health system on the upper Gulf Coast, our clinic helps you achieve your weight-loss goals by offering bariatric surgery, medically supervised weight-loss, and dietitian-lead lifestyle management.

A Comprehensive Center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery

Providence Hospital is a Comprehensive Center of Excellence for Bariatric Surgery, awarded by the American College of Surgeons. To earn this designation, Providence Hospital met and exceeded essential criteria for staffing, training, facility infrastructure and patient care pathways, ensuring its ability to support patients with obesity.


Blue Distinction® Centers for Bariatric Surgery Designation

Providence Hospital has been recognized by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama with a Blue Distinction® Centers for Bariatric Surgery designation, part of the Blue Distinction Specialty Care program. To earn this designation, a healthcare facility must demonstrate that it meets many specific patient quality and safety metrics, including providing effective bariatric surgical procedures with a very low complication and readmission rate.


Hours of Operation

Please call us at 251-660-3506 for our daily hours.


Starting Your Weight-Loss Journey

Your journey beings with a free seminar to learn about your weight-loss options, what to expect, and how to change your lifestyle. You can attend a seminar in-person or watch a prerecorded one below:



Once you've watched the seminar video, please submit your information. We look forward to talking with you!

Submit your information.

Services Offered at USA Health Providence Bariatrics

At USA Health Providence Bariatrics, we offer many options for weight loss services. In addition to medically supervised weight-loss and dietitian-lead lifestyle management, we perform three types of bariatric surgeries. These procedures can be performed laparoscopically or robotically with small or open incisions. Nearly all of Dr. Laan’s weight-loss surgeries use small incisions.

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Technique

In a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, we divide the stomach with a stapler to make a small pouch, reducing the patient's stomach capacity from the size of a football to the size of an egg, so the patient will feel full with less food. We attach a Y-shaped section of the small intestine to the pouch, so food bypasses most of the stomach and goes directly into the “roux limb.” Most patients do not experience excessive malabsorption of nutrients, and the ability to consume fluids is not affected because they quickly pass through the pouch. Patients typically lose 60-70% of their excess body weight. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass also can reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Sleeve Gastrectomy

In a sleeve gastrectomy, we remove the outside portion of the stomach to create a long, tubular shape like a banana. By reducing the volume of the stomach, the patient will feel satisfied with less food, so they will eat less and lose weight. Unlike gastric bypass, this procedure does not involve rerouting the intestines. Because it does not involve intestinal malabsorption, the patient must eat a healthy diet and exercise to maintain optimal weight loss. Patients who have a sleeve gastrectomy usually lose 50-60% of their excess body weight.

Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch (BPD/DS)

BPD/DS is a two-step procedure. First, we perform a sleeve gastrectomy to remove the outside portion of the stomach, reducing its volume. But unlike a sleeve gastrectomy, we do not remove the pyloric valve, which releases food to the small intestine. We also leave the duodenum, the portion of the small intestine that connects to the stomach. Second, we bypass the majority of the intestine by connecting its end to the duodenum. A BPD/DS reduces how much the patient can eat and how many nutrients they can absorb. It is recommended for patients whose body mass index (BMI) is greater than 50.

Service Providers

Meet the providers who treat patients at this USA Health location.

Parking & Directions

USA Health Providence Bariatrics offers free parking to all patients and visitors.

6701 Airport Boulevard
Mobile, Alabama 36608
P: 251-660-3506
F: 251-266-3600
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Amenities at USA Health Providence Bariatrics

This clinic offers free parking and complimentary Wi-Fi to patients and their guests.

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Upcoming Events


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


On March 29, USA Health Mobile Unit is coming to you! This event will provide free PSA screenings for qualified groups.


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


Local Goodness, a farm-to-table event, pays tribute to local cuisine and music while raising awareness and support for USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital.

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