“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel.
The USA Health Surgical Navigation Center (SNC) is your surgery coordinator. Once your surgery is scheduled, our surgical navigation team will work with you one-on-one on behalf of your surgeon to help guide you through the surgery process.
The Surgical Navigation Center is located in the USA Health Children's & Women's Hospital parking lot.
This office offers free parking and complimentary Wi-Fi to patients and their guests.
“For many families, and even service providers, they may not know where to start when looking for resources for their child or loved one diagnosed with autism or some other developmental disability,” said Michelle McDaniel.
Spirit of Children has surpassed $400,000 in total donations to Children’s & Women’s Hospital.
USA Health became one of nine healthcare systems to win the 2024 Human Experience (HX) Achievement Award for SSER® Reduction, achieving a 73% reduction in its system-level serious safety event rate.