What began with a family seeking pain relief for a little girl became a new service at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital that gives hope for children with similar severe spinal deformities.
What began with a family seeking pain relief for a little girl became a new service at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital that gives hope for children with similar severe spinal deformities.
At USA Health, we nurture relationships with our patients. That’s why we share stories that chronicle their healthcare journeys, from their initial arrival at one of our facilities to their lives beyond recovery. If you have a story you would like to tell, please contact us by submitting your story using our online form here.
What began with a family seeking pain relief for a little girl became a new service at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital that gives hope for children with similar severe spinal deformities.
Every Wednesday for the past six years, Ocean has received enzyme replacement infusions at Children's & Women's Hospital. Now, she is a thriving 9-year-old who loves to sing and dance and take exercise classes with her mom.
Myria Mack-Williams, M.D., is more than just a pediatrician. See what makes her practice different.
When Shep was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia, his mom felt lost deciding where to find treatment. Care could be found hours away in another city, but Brady's motherly instincts told her not to uproot the family during a year's long struggle. She wanted Shep close to loved ones during treatment, and she found life-saving care where it mattered most — at home.
Young Maxwell Normand was born with craniosynostosis, a birth defect that USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital quickly corrected.