USA Health regularly recognizes employees for going above and beyond in caring for patients and providing high-quality customer service.

USA Health became one of nine healthcare systems to win the 2024 Human Experience (HX) Achievement Award for SSER® Reduction, achieving a 73% reduction in its system-level serious safety event rate.
USA Health Insider
USA Health Insider is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights for employees of USA Health as we fulfill our mission to help people lead longer, better lives. Please submit your story ideas to Carol McPhail at
USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.

The new facility expands services offered to patients at the USA Health West Mobile Campus.
Jeffrey L. Brewer, M.D., served as an attending physician at USA Health from 2015 to 2022 and directed the orthopaedic surgery residency program for three years.
Douglas K. Holmes, M.D., will serve as director of pediatric ENT surgery at USA Health and an associate professor in the departments of surgery and pediatrics.

Setting intentions differs from traditional New Year's resolutions in several notable ways, and they offer unique benefits.

The one-of-a-kind artwork is part of an ongoing initiative by specially trained nurses and other providers to help make life a little more normal for the parents of infants in the NICU.

The group plans to meet in January to discuss its goals and objectives, what has been done so far, and what the next steps should be.

The holiday decorating contest focused on the safety tool SBAR, which is content-based formatting for communicating information about a patient, project or situation. The safety and reliability phrase for this tool is, “Let me give you the SBAR.”

New meeting locations exclusively for USA Health employees will include Children's & Women's Hospital, Providence Hospital, and University Hospital.
This month’s safety behavior is part of the universal skill “Think Critically.”

USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.