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Cancer Care Support Groups

Mitchell Cancer Institute Support Groups

While cancer affects each patient differently, the shared experiences of diagnosis and treatment often help patients to bond and reach out to others to give or receive support. Find out about the many support groups available at USA Health and throughout the community.

Mitchell Cancer Institute Support Groups

The Mitchell Cancer Institute (MCI) offers support groups for newly diagnosed patients as well as survivors.

Stepping Stones: Learning to live after the loss of a loved one (Mobile)

The mission of this support group is to journey with those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Stepping Stones meets at 10-11:30 a.m. on the first and third Fridays of each month in the first-floor conference room of the Strada Patient Care Center. It is led by social worker Haley Orillion, LICSW, and USA Health Chaplain Kim Crawford Meeks. To reserve your spot, contact Haley Orillion at

Breast Friends Forever Breast (BFF) Cancer Support Group (Mobile)
The mission of BFF is to create an atmosphere for breast cancer survivors to come together, and receive and give emotional and psychological support to one another. BFF meets the first Tuesday of each month at noon. Location can vary. A light lunch is served. To RSVP, call our event line at (251) 445-9691.

Sisterhood of Survivorship (SOS) Gynecologic Cancer Support Group (Mobile)
The mission of SOS is to create an atmosphere for gynecologic cancer survivors to come together, and receive and give emotional and psychological support to one another. SOS meets the first Tuesday of each month at noon, and the location varies. A light lunch is served. To RSVP, call (251) 445-9691.

Colorectal Cancer Support Group
The mission of this support group is to provide support, encouragement and increase participants’ knowledge about colorectal cancer. There will be time to share cancer journey stories and get to know members who share the same diagnosis. It meets on the second Tuesday of the month at noon at the Mitchell Cancer Institute. To RSVP, call (251) 445-9691.

MCI Community Lunch & Learn Cancer Care Education (Mobile)
This event provides interactive support for patients, family and friends affected by cancer. Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at noon. The location is at the Patient Care Strada Center, so please register by calling 251-445-9691. Provide your name and contact information. Patient Supportive Care Services will contact you. The community classes provide an open forum for meaningful discussion of various topics related to the treatment and management of cancer. Topics vary, and cancer experts guide the discussion. Groups are held from January to November. A light lunch is served, and RSVP is necessary by Friday before the program. To RSVP, call (251) 445-9691.

Survivorship Programs 101 and 102(Mobile)
The mission of the Survivorship Programs 101 and 102 is to encourage and support cancer patients beyond their surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Each program is a six-week session on Wednesdays from 12-2:30 p.m. Topics include nutrition, chair exercise, spirituality, coping skills, family communication, herbal gardening or arts and craft projects. Classes are held at USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute. The 102 program is an advanced class for the patients who have completed the 101 program. For more information on dates of classes or to register for a program call (251) 445-9691 and leave your name and number. Registration forms are located at each check-in desk.

Resource Room (Mobile)
The Resource Room is a charitable room consisting of wigs, scarves, hats, and educational cancer-related reading material. In addition, breast oncology patients can also acquire bras and prosthesis fitted by a Certified Mastectomy Fitter. The Resource Room is located on the first floor and access must be requested through Patient Supportive Care Services or you may ask your Nurse Navigator. All items are at no cost to the patient. To make an appointment with Patient Supportive Care Services, please call (251) 445-9691.

General Cancer Support Group (Fairhope)
The mission of the General Cancer Support Group is to create an atmosphere for all survivors no matter their diagnosis to come together, and receive and give emotional and psychological support to one another. The General Cancer Support Group meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m., Location can vary. Light snacks are served. To RSVP, call our event line at (251) 445-9691.

MCI Community Lunch & Learn Cancer Care Education (Fairhope)
This event provides interactive support for patients, family and friends affected by cancer. Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. The location is at University of South Alabama Baldwin County Campus so please register by calling 251-445-9691. Provide your name and contact information. Patient Supportive Care Services will contact you. Groups are held from January to November. Light snacks are served, and RSVP is necessary by Friday before the program. To RSVP, call (251) 445-9691.

American Cancer Society Patient Transportation and Lodging Assistance
USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have collaborated to offer transportation and lodging services to those in need during their cancer journey. To see if you qualify, please call (251) 445-8406.

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Upcoming Events


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


On March 29, USA Health Mobile Unit is coming to you! This event will provide free PSA screenings for qualified groups.


An educational program for oncology patients, caregivers, and the community. Meetings are located in the second-floor multipurpose room at the Mitchell Cancer Institute.


Local Goodness, a farm-to-table event, pays tribute to local cuisine and music while raising awareness and support for USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital.


Our calendar lists special events and regularly scheduled classes separately. To display a list of upcoming classes, select the "Classes" option above or visit Events, Classes and Support Groups at USA Health.

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