C.J. Gaston, M.D., completed an independent residency in interventional radiology at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, and two residencies – one for early specialization in interventional radiology and the other in diagnostic radiology – at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, Tennessee.

USA Health became one of nine healthcare systems to win the 2024 Human Experience (HX) Achievement Award for SSER® Reduction, achieving a 73% reduction in its system-level serious safety event rate.
USA Health Insider
USA Health Insider is a weekly newsletter featuring news and insights for employees of USA Health as we fulfill our mission to help people lead longer, better lives. Please submit your story ideas to Carol McPhail at cmcphail@health.southalabama.edu

Santanu Dasgupta, Ph.D., was awarded $423,500 from the NIMHD, part of the National Institutes of Health, to study mitochondrial DNA mutations in the blood of patients diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer.
The opportunity to learn about clinical research deeply influenced Escobar’s decision to stay in the university’s health system for her residency and fellowship as she was able to offer hope to patients and be a part of a field where research is transforming lives.
“We believe part of our mission as healthcare providers is to help keep children, their families and everyone in our community as safe as possible,” said Deborah Browning, MSN, RN, CENP.

The artwork, titled "Tranquil Seascape," will offer a calming presence for the many families, patients and employees who visit the space.

Combating loneliness can be as simple as greeting strangers.

USA Health regularly recognizes employees for going above and beyond in caring for patients and providing high-quality customer service.

The beauty of greeting a stranger and offering a smile and a word of kindness is that while you boost your own happiness levels, you could also make a new friend.

USA Health clinicians are experts in their fields, making them trusted sources on a variety of healthcare-related news topics.

USA Health employees are making an impact in the community. See photos and learn about some of their recent service projects in our recurring feature.
“I enjoy the procedural aspect of pulmonary and critical care medicine, and I wanted to learn all the cutting-edge procedures,” he said, “so I did an extra fellowship in interventional pulmonology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I am excited to bring all these new procedures to South Alabama.”

By intentionally seeking out and incorporating blue spaces into your daily life, you can enhance your overall well-being and cultivate a greater appreciation for the natural world.