Center for Healthy Communities hosts second medical town hall this week
Open to the public, the second of a series of medical town halls will be this Thursday, March 28, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the William “Bill” Clark Center in Prichard.
By Michelle Ryan
The Center for Healthy Communities, USA Health, and the Mobile Metropolitan Medical Society are building on the momentum of their first medical town hall, an outreach event designed to establish relationships with the community, which drew about 50 people.
“We had a wonderful turnout with such positive vibes and positive energy,” said Ashley Williams Hogue, M.D., a trauma surgeon at USA Health and director of the center. “People were so excited, so we want to keep it going and do it again.”
Open to the public, the second of a series of medical town halls will be Thursday, March 28, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the William “Bill” Clark Center at 2501 West Main Street in Prichard.
“It is uncommon for community members to sit down and discuss health issues that are impacting them with the providers who could help take care of them,” she said. “The medical town hall is an opportunity to meet with providers and have a face-to-face discussion.”
Williams Hogue emphasized what it means for the public to have this kind of opportunity.
“The biggest thing is establishing a relationship. Our goal at the Center for Healthy Communities is to make our community healthy, and building trust is so important,” she said. “The medical world is almost like a different language. Sometimes you need to be able to talk about it on a level that makes sense.”
The evening will include short medical updates, an open panel discussion, and small group conversations designed to help determine the community’s health-related concerns.
Representatives from the USA Health Mitchell Cancer Institute, the All of Us Research Program, a community-engaged research project, and other providers will be available to provide information and answer questions.
“All of the panelists and physicians who participated last time have asked ‘When is the next time we’re doing this?’ because the dialogue is so rich,” Williams Hogue said. “Our goal is to establish a relationship, have open dialogue, and connect with community members and make our communities healthier.”
There is no cost to attend, and food will be provided.