More than 2,200 shots given at Saturday vaccine event
Thousands of educators and school support staff signed up for appointments to receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine at the one-day clinic. See the gallery of photos.
By Casandra Andrews
With the help of more than 150 volunteers, USA Health recorded its highest number of COVID-19 vaccinations given in a single day, with 2,220 shots administered during a mass vaccine clinic on Saturday, Feb. 13, at the Mobile Civic Center.
The Saturday clinic, focusing on educators, brought the total number of shots given by USA Health to more than 20,000 since vaccinations began with healthcare workers on Dec. 15, 2020, at University Hospital.
Despite frigid conditions and drizzling rain, volunteers from across the health system and the University of South Alabama signed up for the Feb. 13 event to provide a range of services from giving shots and directing traffic to handing out vaccine information.
“It was wonderful to see so many people choosing to give up part of their weekend to come out and help make sure we continue to safely and efficiently vaccinate as many people as we can against COVID-19,” said Natalie Fox, D.N.P., assistant administrator and chief nursing officer for USA Health Physicians Group. “As a health system, our mission is to help people lead longer, better lives. Our vaccination effort is one way we are doing that in a meaningful way throughout our community.”
Thousands of educators and school support staff signed up for appointments to receive the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine at the one-day clinic. See the gallery of photos.
“Our teachers, custodians, bus drivers and nurses have all worked really hard during this pandemic. We’re thankful to the state of Alabama and USA Health that we can now get our vaccinations and help our schools get back to normal,” said Rena Philips, director of communications for Mobile County Public Schools. “This is a way we can feel safer doing our jobs.”
Volunteers will be needed again in three weeks, on Saturday, March 6, when those who were vaccinated on Feb. 13 receive the second dose of the vaccine. More information about that volunteer opportunity will be available closer to the time of the event.