It’s Nappie time: Vote once daily for your favorites
Nominations are now being accepted by way of online votes for the next crop of Nappie finalists.
Voting for Lagniappe’s 2024 Nappie Awards nominations is now open. Participants can vote once per day in more than 300 categories. During the nomination period, any person, place, event, or company can receive votes in a respective category.
Voting for nominations will end March 24. Then, votes will be counted, and the finalists in each category will be announced.
Online voting in the finals begins May 1 and runs through May 26. Winners will be announced in the July 17 issue of Lagniappe, with an awards ceremony planned for Friday, July 19, at the Saenger Theatre in downtown Mobile.
In 2023, two USA Health specialists and two medical practices were voted best in their categories in the Nappie Readers' Choice Awards presented by the weekly publication. They were: Coastal OB/GYN – Best OB-GYN Practice; Lorie Fleck, M.D., F.A.C.S. – Best Urologist; Robert Greer Jr., D.O. – Best Allergist; Pediatric Associates of Mobile – Best Pediatric Group.