USA Health urges parents to vaccinate children age 12 and up against COVID-19
With school ending this week for thousands of students in the Mobile area, now is the time to make sure your children age 12 and up are vaccinated against COVID-19.
USA Health is urging parents and caregivers to sign up to get the shot as soon as possible for their adolescents and teenagers.
Appointments are available on Thursday, May 27, and Friday, May 28, at the drive through clinic held inside the Mobile Civic Center arena. To self-schedule an appointment, visit usahealthvaccines.com.
The appointments are available from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. It takes less than five minutes to schedule the appointment online.
Even as the number of COVID-19 cases decreases overall, more young patients are being hospitalized with severe complications from the illness, said Melody Petty, M.D., a pediatric hospitalist at USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital.
Since Dec. 15, 2020, USA Health has given more than 70,000 doses of the vaccine to eligible people on the Alabama Gulf Coast.